Putting travelers at the center of travel programs
Business travelers love booking trips in Zeno. From its intelligent interface to the personalized trip recommendations it offers, Zeno sets a new standard.
Travelers look for flights, hotels, rental cars and airport transfers in a single streamlined search. Zeno shows WiFi and leg room details, and lets travelers choose options like extra baggage and meal preference (where supported by the airline). This extensive content reduces the need to spend time on other sites.
Travelers configure their itineraries the way they like – with visuals, as a list, or in a comparison grid. There’s also a map zoom option for hotels. Zeno will remember and display content this way each time so travelers can easily compare and select what they like.
Zeno also learns a traveler’s preferences from past bookings. Then it will automatically recommend a personalized itinerary which can be booked through Express Checkout in less than two minutes. Fewer clicks. More program compliance.
Book many travelers at once
Zeno lets travel arrangers book on behalf of travelers and create group itineraries – including external guests – all in one place. A single booking creates individual reservations for each traveler, with smart allocation to rooms and cars if needed.
An app that thinks ahead
From booking anytime, anywhere, to returning back home, the Zeno app keeps travelers up to date every step of the way. Travelers can see their complete itinerary and receive check-in reminders, prompts to leave for the airport, cancellation notices, gate changes and more.
View all of Zeno’s travel features
We’ve combined all of Zeno’s travel features in one list to make it easy to see how comprehensive the platform is for travelers and everyone who plays a part in travel management.