FCM's Lindsay Straub on adapting our partnership for new markets

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September 6, 2024
FCM's Lindsay Straub on adapting our partnership for new markets
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In the latest instalment of Zeno Live, Serko’s VP of Sales, North America, Mike Daly, chats with Lindsay Straub, Head of Global Sales at FCM, to discuss how FCM and Serko can adapt their successful partnership model from Australia and New Zealand to tackle new markets in North America and Europe.

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Mike Daly: Hey guys, welcome to Zeno Live. We're coming at you from Atlanta, Georgia. Cool and crisp weather, dry heat, it's amazing. I've got my favorite person on the planet here, Lindsey Straub. She is the Head of Global Sales for FCM, and I'm so excited to have you here. How are you?

Lindsay Straub: I'm doing great. It is not cool and crisp, don't be fooled. But in the Convention Center, the AC is on. It’s great to see you, Mike. So happy to be here representing FCM. Let's do it!

Mike Daly: Let’s do it, let's jump in. I've got a few questions for you. So let's have a quick chat. I know you're like 90 days on the job, let's talk about the key differences between the Australia and New Zealand market, North America and Europe, and how do you think we can we adapt our successful partnership in Australia and New Zealand, where we're really great partners. How did we bring that to the other regions of the world?

Lindsay Straub: Sure, there's a long-standing history, right, with Serko and FCM in the Australia and New Zealand market and we do want to expand that. We want to serve our customers and make sure that their experience for bookers is exactly what we are doing in that key market segment, expanding that globally and bringing the partnership to those other markets.

So I think one of the key differences that I am, yes 90 days in the job, but learning quite quickly, content, right? So in ANZ, there are two or three carriers that are really dominant, and then you look at these other markets in the Northern Hemisphere, where there's multiple carriers and there's much more diversification. It’s not a problem, but it is a nuance it is a sort of unique factor that can be somewhat limiting as we're trying to move into a partnership that is a bit more global. But we have been successful, right? FCM and Serko, in aggregating into one single channel and platform to better serve the customers. So I think it's a natural evolution for us, and I think we will get there. It's just a matter of working together and time.

Mike Daly: Yeah, we will get there. I concur.

Lindsay Straub We will get there. I concur. No pun intended.

Mike Daly: So how can we leverage the powerful reputation and brand recognition that both organizations have to build trust and awareness for customers in these new markets?

Lindsay Straub: Well, I would say what we're doing right now; continued conversation, continued partnership and collaboration. It's all about that integration, innovation and promoting that together because what we're doing here at GBTA for example, can be leveraged, and it can be more, I think, widespread, but we're both very much committed to eliminating friction, so putting that out there, showing how that is a differentiator when we look at other relationships – other TMC's in the market and OBTs, But things like this, you know, all kidding aside, I think are a fantastic start and a part of the progression that we'll see again naturally.

Mike Daly: So Lindsay, what specific technological advancements, or innovations like Savi that we have in Australia and New Zealand already, how do we apply them to the European and the North American markets and what's going to be appealing to customers in those regions?

Lindsay Straub: So I think what we've already done very successfully is the functionality of the multi-stop interface and aggregation of the multi-stop itinerary. Savi Select functionality has been super successful. So rolling that out, I think, was a definite win and a victory. And doing something like that is a natural next step, I think we know that when there are multi-stop [trips], comparing that and looking at it, can be overwhelming, it can be a bit more intensive. So having this functionality that allows us to look side by side and to really compare all [the options] in one place makes it that much better, more efficient, and easier for the booker, the customer, and ultimately the experience. So, Savi Select, the multi-stop interface that's what we're trying to do and I think that's what we have to bring to this market so that this market can see those same benefits

Mike Daly: Totally, I totally agree and I've heard that feedback from customers and prospects already that they want to bring that functionality here. So that's awesome. Are there any unique collaboration opportunities or potential partnerships that we can explore together that would enhance our relationship?

Lindsay Straub: I would say what we're doing again together today has worked well. I think that there are unique nuances to the Australia, New Zealand market where Serko does excel, but what we've already done really well, of course, on the NDC front, I know that that is still very much on everyone's mind. There's a lot of movement, there is momentum, there's a bit of volatility, but what we've done successfully with TPConnects, with Sabre, is something that we can look to do here as well in the Northern Hemisphere. But I would say it's already being done, I hope you would agree, successfully with TPConnects, with Sabre, and ultimately empowering the traveler, the booker, to participate in NDC without fear, without apprehension, and again doing it successfully.

Mike Daly: Awesome. Thank you so much, Lindsay. I really appreciate you coming on Zeno Live and hanging with us this morning. Look forward to seeing you later on this evening.

Lindsay Straub: Yeah, super exciting. Thank you all for the partnership. We absolutely love working with you guys. You're a rock star and just really appreciate it.

Mike Daly: Likewise, my friend.