A more sustainable travel program? Start with better choices.

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February 10, 2025
A more sustainable travel program? Start with better choices.
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Sustainability. It’s the topic on everyone’s mind right now, particularly if you work in the travel industry. The recent GBTA Convention in Orlando hosted multiple sessions grappling with how to drive sustainability initiatives across the various travel categories.

This heightened focus on reducing carbon emissions is partially owed to the troubling IPCC report on climate change released earlier this year. But even before that, travel managers and suppliers have been viewing the recovery of business travel post-pandemic as a chance to come back better than before.

But how? Even if you agree that sustainable travel is necessary and possible, it’s still difficult to know where to begin.

One place to start is to enable your company’s travelers to make better choices.

In the context of corporate travel, it could mean making information like the carbon impact of various flight options visible at the point of booking. This knowledge will empower travelers to be able to select a lower-emission offering. You could also drive greener choices by ensuring your online booking tool prioritizes search results by carbon emissions rather than strictly by price.

Travel managers aren’t the only ones who want to do more to make business travel more sustainable. Giving individual travelers the tools and information they need to improve their decision making can have a major impact on your company’s overall carbon footprint.